Friday, November 11, 2005

Correspondance school

The Vega writes letters:

Senator Lieberman,

I was, that's not the right word, enraged -- that a senator from Connecticut -- a Democrat, in fact, would vote to eliminate those prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay the right to habeus corpus.

As a nation, we have been forced to watch as our global reputation as a nation of laws, rights, and freedom have been eroded by the Bush administration. Eliminating judicial oversight over their handling of prisoners in the "War on Terror" further erodes that reputation. The administration has shown it has an appetite for torture, for abuse of the rights even of U.S. citizens, and you have abetted the Republican Congress in shirking its duty as a check to unfettered Executive power.

Moreover, this action is just plain stupid. It does nothing to further intelligence (after all these years, these people have legitimate information that can help us? C'mon), and it deprives the people of the United States the opportunity to see those guilty of terrorism go on trial, while making those innocent of the charges languish.

As I said, as a Connecticut voter, disapointment doesn't quite cut it, Senator.

Any response from Joementum will be duly posted.


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