Friday, November 11, 2005

Repubs' great reverance for due process

A brave member of the 101st Keyboardists is shocked, shocked that Dems would demand Bush pledge to not give l'il Scooter a pardon before he has even been convicted of a crime.

Wow, how about letting the guy stand trial before convicting him? I guess innocent until proven guilty is yet another ideal Democrats have decided to ignore.

Strange, I thought due process was a right, not an "ideal." But you get the idea; everyone deserves their day in court. Oh, wait... maybe not.

WASHINGTON, Nov. 10 - The Senate voted Thursday to strip captured "enemy combatants" at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, of the principal legal tool given to them last year by the Supreme Court when it allowed them to challenge their detentions in United States courts.

The vote, 49 to 42, on an amendment to a military budget bill by Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, comes at a time of intense debate over the government's treatment of prisoners in American custody worldwide, and just days after the Senate passed a measure by Senator John McCain banning abusive treatment of them.

If approved in its current form by both the Senate and the House, which has not yet considered the measure but where passage is considered likely, the law would nullify a June 2004 Supreme Court opinion that detainees at Guantánamo Bay had a right to challenge their detentions in court.

The mind reels.


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