Thursday, November 10, 2005

A B12 shot of hypocrisy

Palmeiro's lawyers issued a corresponding statement yesterday in which they said that Palmeiro was "very appreciative of the fairness and professionalism" shown by Representatives Tom Davis of Virginia and Henry A. Waxman of California, members of the House Committee on Government Reform, which was investigating the case. The lawyers' nod to the committee could be an indication that they do not expect Palmeiro to be charged with perjury.

Very appreciative, indeed. But of course he didn't commit perjury. It was all Miggy's fault.

In his statement, Palmeiro said it was possible that a shot of vitamin B12 he had received in April caused his failed drug test. He told the players union that he got the shot from his teammate Miguel Tejada. Tejada said he had passed three drug tests after using B12.

Borrowing a syringe with B12 in a gym isn't exactly like being offered a can of Red Bull. 'Cause, apparently, stanazol and B12 go together like strawberries and cream. But more to the point, what was the point of Palmeiro making this statement? It's nothing new. He's sorry. It's not his fault. His rep is ruined. Poor family. Poor Orioles. Sheesh. Enough.

And how much you wanna bet, when Bush signs the McCain/Bunning "There's never been cheating in baseball act," Raffy and Sammy will be right by his side in the Rose Garden.


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