Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Interim is the Word

Juan Cole notes that the interim Iraqi constitution -- about which the White House is so pleased with themselves -- is exactly that. Not only have the big fights been put off for another year, it's likely that the nice, American-friendly stuff, like women's rights and the right to practice religions other than Islam, will be discarded like dandruff as soon as the CPA leaves town.

"The Fundamental Law was apparently drafted from notes of Paul Bremer by Salim Chalabi and others (nephew of corrupt financier Ahmad Chalabi)--according to a Feb. 29 LA Times op-ed by Brendan O'Leary.. Its final form was negotiated by the IGC, but there was much dissension on the role of Islam, federalism, women's rights, etc. Why has this dissension been overcome? Not because there is a genuine political compromise. Because not reaching a deal on this temporary law would manifestly delay the return of sovereignty to the Iraqis on June 30. No one on the IGC wants the Coalition Provisional Authority to be in power a second longer than necessary. So why should they risk a delay by making an obstinate stand on a law that will anyway be revised a year from now?"


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