Monday, March 01, 2004

Give to the rich, take from everyone else

Cal Pundit looks at the history of Alan Greenspan's thoughts on Social Security. He has had a fiendish plan for more than twenty years to make sure the middle class and working poor pay for the bulk of Social Security.

In 1983 he advocated rasing payroll taxes to create a Soc. Sec. surplus. In 2001 he supports Bush's tax cuts. Surplus wiped out. In 2003 he supports further tax cuts. In 2004 he tells Congress that as a result of Soc. Sec. deficits on the eve of the first Baby Boomer retirees, benefits need to be cut. Oh, and it would be best if we made those "temporary" tax cuts "permanent."

When will this guy be unmased as the beneficiary of -- not the creator of -- the boom in the 90s. He's a political hack, not a financial genius. And if it weren't for Robert Rubin, he'd be practicing his back hand somewhere where he can't do any more harm.


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