Thursday, March 04, 2010

RNC to GOP Donors: We think you are morons

In still more evidence that Michael Steele is a rat-fucking operation by the Democratic National Committee:

The presentation explains the Republican fundraising in simple terms.

"What can you sell when you do not have the White House, the House, or the Senate...?" it asks.

The answer: "Save the country from trending toward Socialism!”

Manipulating donors with crude caricatures and playing on their fears is hardly unique to Republicans or to the RNC – Democrats raised millions off George W. Bush in similar terms – but rarely is it practiced in such cartoonish terms.

One page, headed “The Evil Empire,” pictures Obama as the Joker from Batman, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leaders Harry Reid are depicted as Cruella DeVille and Scooby Doo, respectively.

The document, which two Republican sources said was prepared by the party’s finance staff, comes as Chairman Michael Steele struggles to retain the trust and allegiance of major donors, who can give as much as $30,400 a year to the party.

Drum thinks the large donors are more likely to be offended than small donors who may, in fact, revel in the reactionary label. But I don't think so. "Ego-driven" is not considered a negative for most of the "ego-driven" corporate big shots that I have come across. The only thing they don't like is backing losers. If the Republicans look like they have a shot to win back some measure of power and can continue to be paid off, big donors will remain so.

What this document does show -- nothing new -- is that there is no depth of cynicism and mendaciousness to which the Republican Party will not fall.



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