Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Amnesty for wingnutospherians

T-Rex feels the Right's pain as they realize the god they've revered for the past six years is a fool and a tool of his donors.

Well, I have some good news for you. We on the Left have set up an (ahem) amnesty program for all you disenchanted Right Wing Water-Carriers. You're going to have to learn some English, study up on U.S. History, and find an employer to vouch for your worker-status, but we'll be willing to create this unique Path to Citizenship Offer just for you. The greatness of America is that there's room for everybody, right? And that means even slope-headed, sheet-wearing, gun-humping troglodytes like yourselves.
My favorite in his comments section is this one, though:

It’s not the Republican Party, it’s The Donner Party.
Meanwhile, go read Glenn Greewald on the fraud that is Republican outrage over the George Bush presidency. It's yesterday's "must read."


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