Monday, June 04, 2007

The debate

It was an exciting day teeeveeee yesterday. First, a tasty hors d'oeuvres consisting of the final set of the Sharapova Schnyder match; then the soup course of the Democratic roster running for the party's nomination; then a tasting menu that included a pitchers' duel between Pettitte and Beckett, an hour with the collapse of Tony's crew, then back to the Red Sox game to find that the pitchers' duel was no more. Finally, sated but not entirely happy, off to bed without desert as the score was 5-4 Sox at the time.

But back to the debate. I only watched an hour (though I also watched the dreadful "pre-game" with Dobbs and the other dead white males). I have to say that I was pretty impressed with all of them. Really, could live with any one of them heading the ticket at this point.

It's still way to early to care about this stuff, but it sure feels good to be a Democrat these days. Surely better than being a "base" Repub.

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