Monday, October 09, 2006

Pirro's brilliant campaign strategy

I dunno, but I'm not sure an ad stating "she's not a crook" is going to help her at the polls come November.

Less than two weeks ago, Ms. Pirro revealed that she was the subject of a federal investigation into whether she illegally taped her husband’s conversations. That investigation stemmed from Ms. Pirro having been caught on tape last year asking Bernard B. Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner, to secretly tape her husband to determine if he was having an affair with another woman.

Ms. Pirro’s campaign aides have also announced that they will begin running a television commercial reasserting that she broke no laws.

In an interview over the weekend, Ms. Pirro insisted that federal investigators had found no evidence she broke any laws and should end their investigation immediately.

“I’m calling on the United States attorney to publicly declare that the investigation that was leaked to the press 40 days before an election should come to an end,” Ms. Pirro said yesterday. “It’s time for them to say this publicly and to put this thing to a close.”

Ms. Pirro’s aides said that their campaign spent the weekend producing a campaign commercial that will probably begin being broadcast tomorrow. In that ad, they said, Ms. Pirro will reassert that she had not broken any laws. They said the new ad will also attack her Democratic rival, Andrew M. Cuomo, as lacking experience to be attorney general.

Weird. Not sure who's advising her, but if were her, I'd have let the little boat-gate thing blow over; just an example of her blowing her lid in response to her husband's antics and not a big deal. Let Cuomo and the voters do the work of making the connection between wanting to potentially break the law (bug her husband's conversations) and wanting to be the highest law enforcement official in New York.

Instead, she's doing all that heavy lifting herself. Hell hath no fury...


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