Thursday, October 12, 2006


What's the one thing the White House won't talk about when discussing school shootings?

Yep, you guessed it. Guns.

"The Bush administration has for years been known for its use of human props to make its points: middle-class 'tax families' to pitch for tax cuts, victims of Saddam Hussein's torture to pitch for the Iraq war, and friendly partisans to pitch soft questions at 'Ask President Bush' sessions. The technique is not new; Bill Clinton did much the same when hosting events about race.

"Still, yesterday's forum was unusual. While experts dispute how much blame to place on children's access to guns, even the invited guests found it a bit odd to banish the topic entirely from a school-violence forum."

Milbank notes one amusing exchange: "[Attorney General Alberto] Gonzales advised Bush that one panelist said metal detectors send 'the wrong message about what we think of our kids.'

"'I happen to agree,' Bush said. 'But what do I know?'

"'Yes, sir,' Gonzales replied, drawing chuckles from those in the crowd who thought he was agreeing with the 'what do I know' quip."

Milbank notes that Bush "labeled the violence 'inexplissible,' apparently merging 'inexplicable' and 'inexpressible.' And he had to guide the discussion away from one panelist's remark about 'computer predators' -- a dangerous topic during the Mark Foley scandal."

A government that takes governing seriously? Forget about that. After all, what does preznit know?


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