Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Circus maximus

Joe Torre has just announced that George Steinbrenner has told him he will be the Yankee skipper in 2007.

That was an exciting couple of days, but I'm glad he's returning.

Speaking of which, for those Yankee-haters out there, here's another shot for your gloat fix.

UPDATE: Steinbrenner speaks (cue the martial music):

"I spoke to Joe Torre today and I told him: `You're back for the year. I expect a great deal from you and the entire team. I have high expectations, and I want to see enthusiasm, a fighting spirit and a team that works together. Responsibility is yours, Joe, and all of the Yankees.'

"Yes, I am deeply disappointed about our loss this year," Steinbrenner added. "We have to do better, and I deeply want a championship. It's about time."

"It's about time." Basically, win or next year's your last, Joe. Ouch.

But you gotta love the AP. Such fact-checking.

While the Yankees won four World Series titles in Torre's first five seasons, they haven't won any since 2000, angering the demanding Steinbrenner. They haven't even reached the World Series since 2000.
Who knew?


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