Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Power drool

The Poor Man Institue for Freedom and Democracy and a Pony once again channels the HinderRocket and ElephantPhallus boys.

Let’s take the example of my life. I wake up every morning, shower, grab such breakfast as I can, wave to my family, and hurry out the door. In the car, Rush Limbaugh informs me of all the horrible things that liberals have done today. Seething, I re-write his opinions as blog posts, although I often become so angered by liberal perfidity that I have to “chill out” by reading blogs detailing the horrible things gays, Muslims, and women have said and done. Incensed, I have lunch. Then, it’s time for Hannity, and the latest updates about America-hating Democrats and minorities. I rush back home, try to find some time for my family, but then realize that there’s a militant atheist scientist on the internet absurdly claiming that life qua life is somehow worth living. Then, I look out the window, and it hits me - I live in Minnesota! Literally vibrating with fury, I go to bed, only to be tormented anew by that dream where I’m naked in math class, and my teacher keeps morphing from Jesse Jackson into Kelly LeBrock and back again, and he/she tells me that for the final exam I have to wrestle him/her while riding a horse. I wake up, drenched in sweat and yet curiously refreshed and exhilarated, and do the same damn thing all over again. Sometimes, that dream is the only thing that keeps me going.

Read, as the scribes say, the whole thing. Just don't spit soda out of your nose and on to your screen. It's hard to clean up.


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