Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Ya know, there's a reason you never hear tell nothin' 'bout the Vega's employer, profession, boss, cafeteria, office furniture, health plan, 401k, or parking lot space availabity. It's not a healthy way to keep your job.

"The Rant was my diary; it was how I felt at the moment," Polstein, 43, told the Daily News yesterday. "It is my constitutional right to vent."

His lawyer Jeffrey Goldberg said the ex-cop has the First Amendment on his side. "If the Web site had said Kelly wasthe greatest police commissioner there wouldn't be a problem," Goldberg said, "but Kelly's thin-skinned, and he didn't like the content."

Polstein ranted that the NYPD was run like the Nazi Party and posted a photo of Adolf Hitler addressing his storm troopers. Click on a photo of Kelly and it morphed into the cartoon character Popeye.

Fired, and from the looks of "Polecat," a mean dose of carpal tunnel syndrome.

And, by the way. Sorry. Really awful headline.


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