Monday, July 11, 2005

Well, I don't live in London. Do you?

The Editors, donning their "Power Tools" mask and cape, explain why preznit's claim that his Iraq flypaper strategy is working is accurate, even in the face of the bombings in London.

But what these rabid Bush-haters don’t understand - or pretend not to understand - is that the flypaper strategy has been in effect since Bush’s first day in office, and has been an unqualified success since day 1. While Clinton spent 8 years cribbing his anti-terror strategy directly from the Neville Chamberlin playbook, the worst domestic terrorist attack in American history occured in the center of America’s heartland, Oklahoma City. However, under the Bush strategy, the worst terrorist attack in human history occured in New York City and Washington DC, a thousand miles away from America’s heartland! Think about it: wouldn’t you rather fight the terrorists in NYC and Washington - coastal enclaves from where the decadent Left form what amounts to a fifth column - than at home? The choice for patriotic Americans is obvious.

So, let's hear no more talk that the Dear Leader wasn't "thinking" when he said on Saturday, "We will stay on the offense, fighting the terrorists abroad so we do not have to face them at home." He meant exactly what he said. You haven't heard of any bombs going off in the subways of Crawford, TX, have you?


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