Sunday, July 10, 2005

"Saving Mickey Kaus"

James Wolcott searches high and low for what Duncan Black calls residents of 9-11 batshit crazy land...and he finds them salivating in our popcorn.

Yes, it's awfully arrogant of movie studios not to grant script approval to Mickey Kaus, Captain Courageous, and Little Green Footstool before they begin casting and location scouting--their creative input could be just what Hollywood needs to be saved from itself and restored to the towering glory of the Blacklist era. Though you'd think in Spielberg's case being the director of Saving Private Ryan and Schindler's List, not to mention all his valiant, dedicated work for the Shoah Institute, would earn him a wee bit of slack and benefit of the doubt and smidgen of TRUST. But the neocon Leninists of the post 9/11 era are as unlenient toward deviation as any certitudinous ideologue with goatee and clenched fist, and should Spielberg depict any member of the Israeli assassin squad expressing doubt or regret in lip-biting closeup, he'll be accused of sewing Bin Laden a new robe of snow-white radiance, and the movie will be boycotted by those who never intended to go in the first place but wanted yet another pre-fab outrage to bitch about in their blogs.


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