Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Old and in the way

Yes, yes, it's so nice that New York Times columnists can look forward to working well into their seventies and beyond. I mean, if they're not too exhausted from battling writer's cramp in producing two columns -- two! -- a week.

Many others, though, far, far away from John Tierney's pampered and self-absorbed world, may have a different view of the matter.

To make matters worse, Tierney uses the worst NY Times story on Social Security...ever...to help make his elitist argument.

The problem isn't that Americans have gotten intrinsically lazier. They're just responding to a wonderfully intentioned system that in practice promotes greed and sloth. Social Security is widely thought of as a kumbaya program that unites Americans in caring for the elderly, but it actually creates ugly political battles among generations. [emphasis added]

Right. I can't wait to blow all of my other retirement savings so that I can lead a life of "greed and sloth" going month to month on my Social Security benefits. Cat food will have never tasted so good.

As for this "ugly battle among generations." Bullshit. Does not exist, except in the panting fever dreams of hacks like Tierney who are determined to dismantle that "wonderfully intentioned system."

As Atrios often points out, here's hoping the New York Times plans to offer an a la carte option when it starts making us pay to read the editorial pages.

UPDATE: Jesse at Pandagon finds that for Tierney, the plural of "bullshit" is "data."


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