Sunday, June 12, 2005

"We are here to fight"

So says Howard Dean in the face of criticism from some (very short-sighted, I think) Democratic leaders.

WASHINGTON -- Howard Dean said Saturday that positive responses from supporters had reinforced his determination to keep talking tough, despite suggestions from some congressional Democrats that the party chairman should tone down his rhetoric.

"People want us to fight," Dean told the national party's executive committee. "We are here to fight."

Addressing Iowa party activists later Saturday in Des Moines, he added: "We need to be blunt and clear about the things we're going to fight for. I'm tired of lying down in front of the Republican machine. We need to stand up for what we believe in."

I'm tired of it too, Dr. Dean. I'm with Kevin Drum on this one. We -- and more importantly -- the press expect this kind of rhetoric from Dean. When initially reported it causes a firestorm, but then the usual faux-outrage "kerfuffle" dies down and we're left with the residue of Dean's words.

With news hook in hand, reporters will get to work. Does James Dobson control the agenda of the Republican party? Are Republicans overwhelmingly white? Do party leaders work against the interests of the working class? This is exactly where we'd like the focus to be: on our issues, not theirs. After all, the answers to these questions are inevitably going to be bad for the Republican party.

I'm not altogether sure I share quite Mr. Drum's optimistic assessment of the Washington press corps -- I'm more of Frank Rich's state of mind -- but the Dems knew what they were getting with Dean. They wanted his passion and his ability to build a grassroots organization. His rhetoric came with the deal.


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