Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Well, now I know what cornu means

Atrios puts it perfectly: BAY-RU-BAY!

First the guy leads off with a sparkling spanking of Jonah Goldberg, who, really, should now just stay down for the count. Yes, it's piling on, but who better to be at the bottom of the pile?

The rumor is that Jonah is changing the name of his blog from “The Goldberg File” to “Totally Uninformed Comment” as a permanent rebuke to Professor Cole’s out-of-touch liberal-elite insistence that people who declaim about Iraq in American mass media should know something about the subject at hand. “The thing he challenged or alleged was simply my unworthy stature to have an opinion,” writes Jonah. “Let me spell it out again: I think Cole is the sort of bullying professor most of us have encountered in one way or another.” No doubt this is quite true, if “most of us” means “wealthy, pampered, entitled right-wing know-nothings who behave in class as if our opinion is as good as anyone else’s because, you know, because everyone has a right to their opinion and shouldn’t be ‘bullied’ by professors with expertise.” And I’m pretty sure Jonah is the sort of student most of us have encountered in one way or another, too.

Then, he goes on to take a stab at putting to rest the whole ridiculous Ward (Tell Me Again Who the Fuck He is) Churchill "controversy." Only M. Bérubé can manage to make the "Monty Python left" look shallow and stupid while also making those who would claim Churchill as a lefty icon look like the arbiters of what speech is "appropriate" that they desire to be.

All this Churchill-justifying nonsense merely confirms the Faux News view of the left, and threatens to make Ward Churchill into precisely the left icon he never was. I have another idea. Let’s defend Churchill’s academic freedom to say morally obnoxious things, dismiss his actual claims about the WTC dead as being too shallow for serious discussion, and then ask the American right what it thinks of National Review editor Rich Lowry’s proposal for how the United States should respond to September 11:

You can’t turn on the TV without hearing some expert say that our enemies in the current conflict are elusive, that finding targets to punish and bomb and raze will be difficult or impossible. Nonsense.

We know the states that harbor our enemies. If only Osama bin Laden and his 50 closest advisers and followers die in the next couple of weeks, President Bush will have failed in a great military and moral challenge of his presidency.

The American response should be closer to something along these lines: identifying the one or two nations most closely associated with our enemies, giving them 24-hours notice to evacuate their capitals (in keeping with our desire to wage war as morally as possible), then systematically destroying every significant piece of military, financial, and political infrastructure in those cities.

Yes, you read that right– this plan is in keeping with our desire to wage war as morally as possible. And you gotta love that “nonsense” about our enemies being elusive.

I would hope that puts the whole thing to rest. But I doubt it. The wingnuts have -- at least in their fever swamped minds -- elevated Churchill beyond all recognition, and Churchill, let's face it, has no doubt enjoyed his 15 minutes, notwithstanding a little graffitti on the gate of his pickup. The taxi cab of Republican bête noire-dom has just pulled alongside the curb and I'm sure he can't wait to jump in. He'll be headlining ANSWER protests in no time.

But, please, by all means, go ahead and read the post. "What about the cheesemakers," indeed.


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