Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Juan "Smackdown" Cole

Methinks Juan Cole has begun to enjoy his ongoing takedown of Jonah Goldberg, Lucianne's ignorant spawn. It certainly has drawn out some of his funniest -- while at the same time, most indignant -- posts Dr. Cole's written in some time.

Let us see what has been established. First, I alleged that Goldberg has never read a book about Iraq, about which he keeps fulminating. I expected him at least to lie in response, the way W. did when similarly challenged on his book-reading. I expected Goldberg to say, "That is not true! I have read Phebe Marr's book on modern Iraq from cover to cover and know all about the 1963 failed Baathist coup!" But Goldberg did not respond in this way. I conclude that I was correct, and he has never read a book on this subject.

I am saying I do not understand why CNN or NPR would hire someone to talk about Iraq policy who has not read a book on the subject under discussion. Actually, of course, it would be desirable that he had read more than one book. Books are nice. They are rectangular and soft and have information in them. They can even be consumed on airplanes. Goldberg should try one.

I doubt this will prove very instructive for young master Goldberg, but perhaps he will give pause the next time he decides to personnally attack a well-informed person on a subject Goldberg knows nothing about.

Here's some more fun.

And Mr. Wolcott brings more chips to the party.

Yes, but Jonah speaks fluent Simpsons, which is why he's so popular with campus conservatives as he goes about entertaining and mentoring the maroons of tomorrow.


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