Monday, February 14, 2005

On why there appears to be more male than female bloggers

Maureen Dowd seems to have captured the essence of the bloggy gender divide.

It strikes me that there must be a gender difference here. From my own unscientific sampling, I think it's far rarer for women to ask men to read their stuff than it is for men to ask women to read their stuff. Poor Condi Rice couldn't even get George W. Bush to read her presentation of his foreign policy goals in Foreign Affairs during his 2000 campaign.

While I hardly ever hear from female readers who want me to read something, male readers are constantly e-mailing and sending me stuff to read: op-ed pieces, essays, letters to the editor or letters they've written to friends, e-mail messages their girlfriends or wives or buddies have written about me, original poetry, lists of favorite CD's and books, unpublished manuscripts, novels, jokes, business advice books, plays, TV sitcom treatments, recipes for cranberry orange nut bread. One guy even sent me his script for "George W. Bush: The Musical." (Georgie sings to Big Daddy: "Any war you can start, I can make bigger; I can make any war bigger than you.")

One reader sent me his latest humor column, "Have Pity on the December Baby" - "a look into the lonely world of living in Santa's shadow" - and said to call if I wanted to discuss his publication fee.

Sometimes, if I don't read their work and write back, the authors send me snarky notes complaining about my insensitivity.

I don't think Madame Cura could have said it better herself.


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