Sunday, October 03, 2004

GOP: "We think the fact that he didn't drool onstage a net positive."

Setting the bar awfully low:

"I don't want to say somebody is the winner or somebody is the loser tonight," said George P. Bush, the president's nephew, and he went on to set a fairly low bar for his uncle. "I think his main objective, apart from not falling on the ground on the stage, which he didn't do tonight, was to say, look, here are my positions, and talk directly to the voters."

The Republicans had no trouble acknowledging Mr. Kerry's superior eloquence - they had already conceded him to be greatest debater since Cicero. "President Bush has never been labeled the most articulate person in the country," said Dan Bartlett, the White House communications director.

So that's why the Bush side didn't want any reaction shots of the candidates; they were afraid the cameras would catch George flopping on the floor of the stage. Was he planning to eat pretzels during the debate?


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