Tuesday, July 06, 2004

"He works hard for the money"

It's refreshing that our preznit has his priorities straight.

Faced with a monthlong gap between the end of the Democratic convention and the start of the Republican convention in New York, Mr. Bush is also likely to minimize the amount of time he spends on vacation at his ranch in Texas during that period and instead keep to a heavy schedule of campaigning, they said.

He's focused, steadfast, and willing to work really, really hard.

After all, unlike when people were running around with their hair on fire because the country was threatened, now they're running around with their hair on fire because Bush's job is threatened.

Matthew Dowd, Mr. Bush's chief campaign strategist, said he expected the race to shift from dead even now to as much as a 15-point advantage in national polls for Mr. Kerry by the end of the Democratic convention.


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