Monday, April 12, 2010

Nuller and voidier

In a comment to my previous post regarding the long history of efforts on the right to use "nullification" in response to losing elections, a commenter writes,

You mean like when Gore lost in 2000 or Kerry in 2004?

That's right, Norma. I distinctly remember, in response to a 5-4 Supreme Court decision in 2000, Democratic congressmen declaring in op eds that George W. Bush was committing treason. Or, even as it was pretty clear that Bush was heading down a disastrous path by invading Iraq without any plan for the occupation and diverting attention and resources from al Qaeda, that he was "giving aid and comfort to the enemy." And, recall, when John Kerry lost, the decision by so many Democratic state governors to secede from the Union.

The equivalencies are so obvious even a librul like me can grasp them.

Thanks for commenting!

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