Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Next they'll rename the DC airport, Brezhnev Int'l

I think I read somewhere on The Corner that House Republicans voted "No" on principle. Maybe so. Principles of pure, unadulterated bat shit craziness.

Let us turn the microphone over to Tim Echols, Treasurer for Paul Broun, R-GA:

FYI, all the Georgia Republicans voted against the bail-out.

As FRC said today, the current proposal fell short of upholding conservative ideals. The Congressional conservatives played an important role in keeping out the already-borderline socialistic White House proposal and some Hugo Chavezesque suggestions from the Democrats, such as allowing judges to set mortgage rates and creating a slush fund for liberal groups like ACORN. However, the final plan did not reform what has created the problem nor did it adequately explain how the taxpayers get their money back. Moreover, the bailout seemed to create a new entitlement in a federal insurance system for every home loan in America.

I blame Lincoln for leaving the Whigs.



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