Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To call them "swine" would be an injustice to pigs

So, while GOP House leadership was claiming to be rounding up votes for the rescue plan, then complaining that it was Pelosi's mean words that turned off the rank & file, and while John McCain was claiming leadership bona fides for getting the plan passed...the GOP was sending stations in battle ground states a TV ad ripping apart the deal and Obama's support for it.


Well, oopsie, I guess. The calculation clearly was that the Dems would have, with those few GOP votes from safe seats, enough votes to pass it, and the GOP would then necklace House and Senate Democrats and Obama with a plan they thought is wildly unpopular with voters. Didn't work. And with the unveiling of the TV spot, their calculations are out in the open.

Further, the plan may not be as unpopular as their mouth breathing base is telling them.



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