Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Oh, THAT alternative universe

In a typical, as Roy puts it, "glibertarian" post about what we dirty fucking hippies should call ourselves (progressives, donchaknow, are really closet eugenicists), comes this strange passage, apropos of nothing else:

Incidentally, those good goverment reforms (combined with the legal culture changes in the 1970s), are the reason that it takes about seventy years to get anything done at any level of government. My father likes to point out that had George Bush come into office saying "Shoring up the levees in New Orleans is my #1 priority" and proceeded to act on that, by the time Katrina hit the Army Corps of Engineers would probably have just about finished the Environmental Impact Analysis on the preliminary bids.


Ah, right. Just as "progressives" are stirring up memories of eugenics-past by now trying to destroy the human race by insisting on the science of global warming (Are you following me? I'm not.) , environmentalists can also be blamed for Katrina.

Or they could, if George Bush had tried to fix the levees.

I believe, in reality, that preznit had come into office saying he would restore honor and dignity to the White House. Other than the new rug, how's that working out?

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