Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Fear and panc

Sure, sure, 9-11 so famously changed everrrrything. But shouldn't we be cheered if the terraists lurking here in the HOMELAND will be using the most recent UK attacks as a model?

The next terrorist assault on the United States is likely to come through relatively unsophisticated, near-simultaneous attacks -- similar to those attempted in Britain over the weekend -- designed more to provoke widespread fear and panic than to cause major losses of life, U.S. intelligence and counterterrorism officials believe.

Such attacks require minimal expertise and training and are difficult to prevent. Although British investigators have not claimed al-Qaeda involvement in the latest incidents, officials here said they may constitute a "hybrid" phenomenon, in which al-Qaeda inspires and guides local groups from afar but establishes no visible operational or logistical links.

Oh, look, there's a burning car slowly rolling toward me!


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