Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Technical difficulty Republicans

Yes, there are a few problems over at "Tech Republican."

Today our Revolution (sic) begins. Tomorrow we fight.

Mind you, not in Iraq.

The site is for "Gen Nexters" who, sadly, never basked in the glow of Saint Ronnie's shiny hair.

Many people over the age of 30 connected with the Republican Party during the years of Ronald Reagan. But for those of us under the age of 30, Reagan is merely someone we admire and study about in history books or through stories our elders tell us. We weren't fortunate enough to see the Republican Party through the lens of Reagan.

If Reagan were alive today, would he use YouTube religiously to connect with us better? [emphasis definitely not mine]



Actually, we're unfortunate enough to see Reagan through the lens of the Republican Party, not the other way around.

But let's not hold all that against this fine new addition to the wingnutosphere, where Johnny Ramone lives! Because they ask some important questions:

And if you're reading this, I hope you'll answer these questions:
  1. Will you join our movement?
  2. Will you pick up a musket and fight in the trenches with us?
  3. Will they listen and understand if we show them?

Because if you do, you'll be helping ensure the longevity and continuity of the Party and principles we love. Promise.

Today our Revolution begins. Tomorrow we fight. [all sic]

Do they even listen to themselves?

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