Monday, April 09, 2007

The Irresistible Don Imus

Cowboy Don
Originally uploaded by vegacura.
David Carr is one of the best, most insightful columnists the Times has. And he's not even relegated to the backwaters of Time$electness. Yet.

I used to think it was insulting that the Times puts Carr's column in the Business Section (technically, the column is about Media and Advertising). But, the Business Section may be the last refuge for clear-sighted observations on the symbiotic relation between politics and the media.

Anyway, Don Imus is...what's the technical asshole. And as seemingly ugly as last week's episode was, it's pretty typical of his oeuvre. And such moral paragons as Joe Lieberman and beacons of probity as Tim Russert will continue to make their pilgrimages to his show each morning.


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