Sunday, April 08, 2007

Wingnuts find common cause with Ahmadinejad

A shrill Kevin Drum calls Kathleen Parker's latest gift to the readers of The Washington Post "barely literate frothing." Referring to the release of Leading Seaman Faye Turner, this escapee from Townhall writes,

On any given day, one isn't likely to find common cause with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He's a dangerous, lying, Holocaust- denying, Jew-hating cutthroat thug -- not to put too fine a point on it.

But he was dead-on when he wondered why a once-great power such as Britain sends mothers of toddlers to fight its battles.

Ahmadinejad characterized as a gift to Britain the release of 15 British sailors and marines, including one woman, seized at sea last month. In reality, the hostages were the West's gift to Ahmadinejad.

When a pretender to sanity such as Ahmadinejad gets to lecture the West about how it treats its women, we've effectively handed him a free pass to the end zone and made the world his cheerleaders.

Not only does the Iranian president get to look magnanimous in releasing the hostages, but he gets to look wise. And we in the West get to look humiliated, foolish and weak.

Just because we may not "feel" humiliated doesn't mean we're not. In the eyes of Iran and other Muslim nations, we're wimps. While the West puts mothers in boats with rough men, Muslim men "rescue" women and drape them in floral hijabs.

We can debate whether they're right until all our boys wear aprons, but it won't change the way we're perceived. The propaganda value Iran gained from its lone female hostage, the mother of a 3-year-old, was incalculable.

That pretty much says it all. First, the reality based community is attacked for not being sufficiently cheerleaderly in the great crusade to free Muslim women from the yoke of Saddam Hussein's mostly equitable society. Then, when that doesn't work out so well, it turns out that we're losing because we don't share fundamentalist Islam's obviously superior values.


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