Saturday, February 25, 2006

Give to your local Fafblog station

Complimentary tote bag
Originally uploaded by vegacura.
Fafnir, Giblets, and the Medium Lobster are demanding tribute again. It's important to help keep their important voices thriving on the internets, so give! Handsomely.

I did, and as a thank you from the...well...whatever they are...was able to download this handsome tote.

By giving, you ensure that they will continue to bring us perspective on events we get nowhere else. Not only that, they bring us their unique outlook oftentimes in easy-to-digest FAQs.

Q. Whew! Is democracy on the march?
A. Democracy was on the march. Sadly, freedom and democracy were caught in a blizzard and freedom was forced to eat democracy to survive.
Q. It died as it lived: sautéed in garlic sauce with a side of scalloped potatoes.
A. Democracy is survived by sectarian violence and fanaticism. In lieu of flowers, please send a coherent exit strategy.

No one brings more reassurance to the complaisant among us in this chaotic world.

Q. Tell me more about this “not our fault” theory – I find it oddly compelling.
A. Like weather, terror is affected by seasonal fluctuations. The jet stream carries hijackers from continent to continent; El Niño causes suicide bombers to condense in the upper atmosphere. Is this affected by human activity or just part of a natural warming trend for terror? We just don’t know!
Q. Your ideas are boldly nonconformist, yet conveniently reaffirm my desire to do nothing. I like it!

Perfect little bites of wisdom for our busy, on-the-go times.


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