Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Batman should stick with The Penguin

Sheesh, I thought this was just some figment of Roy Edroso's fertile imagination, but NOOOOOO!

Batman vs. Terrorists

Batman is enlisting in the effort to demolish the minions of Osama bin Laden. A forthcoming graphic novel from Frank Miller, the Batman writer whose credits include the graphic novels "The Dark Knight Returns" and the "Sin City" series, pits the caped crusader against Al Qaeda operatives who attack Gotham City, Agence France-Presse reported. Mr. Miller, who is 120 pages through the 200-page novel — called "Holy Terror, Batman!" — said it was an unabashed "piece of propaganda" and he left no doubt about the outcome. Such works have an honorable tradition, he said, noting: "Superman punched out Hitler. So did Captain America. That's one of the things they're here for. These are our folk heroes. It just seems silly to chase around the Riddler when you've got Al Qaeda out there."

Especially when you also have Batman out there.

Whereever "there" is.

The good news is that it should keep the 101st Fighting Keyboardists™ busy for a few weeks as they sound out the graphic novel's bigger words. Like "kapow!"


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