Tuesday, January 03, 2006

"impoverishing" would be more like it.

K-Lo, shaking her fist at the TV this morning, as her Cheerios go flying.

JAMES RISEN [Kathryn Jean Lopez]
is on The Today Show now. I tuned in a few minutes late, but Katie Couric is just a waste of an interviewer on what's arguably the most important issue of the day. But that's okay, because Katie and Jim are doing it all for us, the publishing of the NSA wiretaps piece was "a public service" regardless of the timing, and it was put out there at the behest of "American patriot" whistleblowers who were taking on "the radicalization" of American foreign policy" who powergrab from "the excerpts," the "career professionals." Damn that Condi and Rummy who know nothing about foreign policy.

And--I'm improvishing--Bush lied, people died. Risen writes that one source and his family reported that Saddam didn't have anymore of a nuke program.
Posted at 07:30 AM

Yes, any comment from Ms. Lopez is "improvishing."

For more on the impoverishing level of discourse at the Corner of Ignorant Fear Ave. and, Stupid Bleating St., go read Mr. Attaturk.


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