Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Call for a change

Couldn't agree more with a recent opinion piece in OpinionJournal. Four plus years after the attacks on the World Trade Center, isn't it time someone seriously tried to develop a real plan of attack in response?

It is time for people of good will from every faith and nation to recognize that a terrible danger threatens humanity. We cannot afford to continue "business as usual" in the face of this existential threat. Rather, we must set aside our international and partisan bickering, and join to confront the danger that lies before us.

Abdurrahman Wahid doesn't really offer much in the way of real tactics, just a list of nice thoughts intended to counter Wahhabi nihilistic utopianism. It seems to me that a former presidential candidate did suggest a more inclusive, international response as an alternative to Bush's declaration of Total War which has been lacking in apprehending Osama bin Laden, or in offering up a coherent argument against his ideas. All the illegal wiretaps in the world can't replace international cooperation of law enforcement. And they can't stop an idea, no matter how self-defeating the idea may be. The Cheney administration has never understood that.


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