Friday, December 30, 2005

Fighting back

Recently, while plowing away on an elliptical trainer at the gym, FoxNews was as always beaming darkly out of several of the TV screens. Although I couldn't hear the sound, I couldn't miss the large type message: "New York Times tries to free terrorists." Referring, I assume, to the Times's scoop on Bush's illegal wiretapping which it was reported was being used to question the legality of the evidence against them.

The 20th centuries most throat grasping dictators would have marveled at the efficiency of FoxNews in communicating to the masses the State's approved messaging.

Nevertheless, as Digby preaches, if this latest egrigious abuse of power by the Cheney administration isn't pushed back against by Democrats (and those few remaining Republicans who are, how you say, "conservative" when it comes to restraints on the power of the State), then they will have missed an opportunity to finally and decisively stand for something important.

Perhaps the NSA scandal is a political loser for Dems. We can't know that now. But it is a winner for us in the long term. We believe in civil liberties and civil rights. With economic fairness, they form the heart of our political philosophy. If this particular issue doesn't play well, that's too bad. People who believe in things sometimes have to be unpopular. Over time, they gain the respect of the people which is something we dearly need.

A party that is described as fumbling, confused and scared is unlikely to win elections even if they endorse the wholesale round-up of hippies and the nuking of Mecca. People will listen to us if we can first convince them that we know who we are and what we believe in.

I'm of the mind to adopt "give me liberty or give me death" as my personal motto. If I have to kowtow to a bunch of childish Republican panic artists who have deluded themselves into believing that fighting radical Islam requires turning America into a police state, then it's just not worth it.

It is time that Democrats start to point out that the Republican Party has come to stand for quivering fear in the face of terrorists; their response to the attacks of 9-11 have not been to catch the masterminds, take steps to protect our ports, and to secure obvious threats like chemical plants. No, their response has been to shred the Constitution.

That won't do much to make us safer (though maybe they use it for Miss Beasley's house training), but it sure must amuse those -- in Bush's words -- "who want to hurt us."


Blogger Howard said...

For your information the folks that hurt us the most was the ones that exposed security information to the enemy..Don't belitle the folks that are trying to keep from a repeat of 9/11 or worse. I haven't looked at your profile yet and imagine you are one of the anonymous crowd pushing antiwar crap..Go join the sheehans..

7:35 PM  
Blogger John said...

Sure, Howard. Just snuggle up to Daddy Bush, and he'll make you feel safe.

9:09 AM  

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