Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Uh oh, he made the state Republican party angry

I'm not sure if Digby really thinks this is a bad omen for Arnie.

With segments of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's political base rising in revolt, directors of the California Republican Party have demanded a private meeting with the governor to complain about the hiring of a Democratic operative as his chief of staff.

The request comes as Schwarzenegger faces a sustained wave of opposition from both moderate and conservative Republicans over the choice of Susan P. Kennedy. Before serving as a state public utility commissioner, Kennedy was Cabinet secretary to former Gov. Gray Davis. She also was an abortion-rights activist and former Democratic Party executive.

In appointing Kennedy last week, the governor praised her as an effective administrator who could "implement my vision" and work cooperatively with Democrats who control the Legislature.

But Republican operatives said grass-roots volunteers are so disturbed by the appointment that they are threatening to abandon Schwarzenegger during his re-election bid next year. Others said Schwarzenegger is risking a nasty fight that could cause the party to rescind its endorsement during February's convention in San Jose.

Having the California Republican Party against him has to be the best news he's heard since he became the governator. And I do believe Arnie knows that; he didn't choose his new chief of staff without considering the political ramifications. Furthermore, he won election in a landslide -- there was no "base" to need to rely on, and, frankly, if his base comprises solely Republicans in the state, he's losing anyway.

At the end of his post, Digby notes how sad and pathetic the GOP is in California. He's right. Schwarzenegger's bid for reelection will have nothing to do with where the party throws its support, even if is to a Holocaust denier.

In fact, perceptions of how Schwarzenegger handles the Tookie Williams case will shape California opinion of him more than whom he chooses as his chief of staff.


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