Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"Fundies" don't appreciate a good creation myth


KANSAS: AN APOLOGY FOR RELIGIOUS INSULTS A University of Kansas religion professor has apologized for an e-mail message that referred to religious conservatives as "fundies" and said a new course describing intelligent design as mythology would be a "nice slap in their big fat face." In a written apology on Monday, the professor, Paul Mirecki, chairman of the religious studies department, said he would teach the new course "as a serious academic subject and in a manner that respects all points of view." The department faculty approved the course on Monday but changed its title. The course, originally called Special Topics in Religion: Intelligent Design, Creationisms and Other Religious Mythologies, will instead be called Intelligent Design and Creationism.

Ah Kansas. Where creationism is not a myth, intelligent design is science, "science" is a point of view (all of which "should be taught" and "concerned parents" don't want their children reading naughty books, but they're more than happy to read and detail -- and I mean detail -- the naughty bits. The Rude Pundit tips us to this one. All praise his Rudeness.


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