Tuesday, November 29, 2005

"High-tech steel"

Seymour Hersh shows us why anonymous sources are -- in the hands of a reporter more interested in getting the story than in getting on the Larry King Show -- important. Hersh knows that in some ways he is getting played, but he doesn't rely on a small circle of high ranking officials. Instead he uses them to try to get at all the angles of the story.

I won't take excerpts here, the entire article is just...too...scary to abridge. But here's the general points.

-- President Bush is, by all accounts -- even those of his acolytes -- insane. Can you spell delusions of grandeur?

-- We are going to pull troops out of Iraq post haste, but replace them, ala Vietnamization, with massive air power.

-- Said air power could well be directed by Shi'ites against Sunnis (and maybe Shi'ites against Shi'ites).

-- We have already dumped a massive amont of "high-tech steel" on Iraq, a fact totally unreported in the press. Air war? What air war?

-- We are fucked. And by "we," I mean everyone but the Iranian Ayatollahs.


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