Tuesday, August 30, 2005

"'Son' salutation"

Christ...er...Vishnu! Must every cultural nook and cranny be coopted by Jaysus?

The platform is an altar, the tinkly tune is praise music, and the practice is Christian yoga. Senarighi's class, called Yogadevotion and taught in the main chapel of St. Andrew's Lutheran Church in Mahtomedi, Minn., is part of a fast-growing movement that seeks to retool the 5,000-year-old practice of yoga to fit Christ's teachings. From Phoenix, Ariz., to Pittsburgh, Pa., from Grand Rapids, Mich., to New York City, hundreds of Christian yoga classes are in session. A national association of Christian yoga teachers was started in July, and a slew of books and videos are about to hit the market. But the very phrase stiffens yoga purists and some Christians--including a rather influential Catholic--who insist yoga cannot be separated from its Hindu roots.

Still, the boom, say its backers, is just beginning. Books on Christian yoga were published as early as 1962, but in recent years, as yoga has become as ubiquitous as Starbucks, more Christians have decided to start their own classes. Susan Bordenkircher, a Methodist from Daphne, Ala., is one. She discovered yoga in 2002. "I knew right away I was getting something out of it spiritually and physically, but it felt uncomfortable in that format," she says. So Bordenkircher prepared a vinyasa, or series of postures, with a biblical bent. Meditations focus on Jesus. She calls the sun salutation, a series of poses honoring the Hindu sun god, a "warm-up flow" instead; other Christians call it the "Son" salutation.

Next, they'll be taking the Jew-yness out of Kabbalah. The Buddha out of Zen. The meatballs out of Pastafaria.

Evangelical Christians are more and more comfortable with coopting other elements of society with their "faith." Evangelism now embraces capitalism. Now they want to coopt an ancient Hindu tradition and "Christian-ize" it. Doing this merely dilutes their religion, already pretty heavily diluted, for all the talk of wanting Jesus involved in every aspect of their lives.


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