Monday, August 22, 2005

Limbaugh, Rush

Rush Limbaugh is a fat, pompous, OxyContin addicted, housecleaner abusing serial liar.

But according to Keith Olberman the creep occassionally does say things that are so egregious and over the top that he must hide from his own words.

Things like

“But the longer the Sheehan thing goes on and the longer she's treated as some sort of super-celebrity by the press and the more outrageous things she says, trust me on this, the more people are going to get fed up with it. She's going to become the next Natalee Holloway before it's all said and done.”

What does that mean? She's going to be disappeared in Aruba?

Of course, in the same rambling, drug-fueled broadcast he implied that Cindy Sheehan's grief isn't "real." Either that, or her son's death wasn't "real." I'm not sure.

Cindy Sheehan has become an ink blot for the pundidiots. They can apply all of their weird obsessions, fears, and freakish desires to her quiet protest. It must be an interesting procedure to turn their brains inside out to slime a grieving Gold Star mother while falling silent as people desecrate flags. I just hope the procedure is very physically painful for them.

Via Attaturk.


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