Saturday, May 07, 2005

Off the road again...

Grevious headline, I know.

Nevertheless, who would want a toll road named after themselves?

Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, D-Austin, had sponsored a bill that proposed renaming a portion of the highway after Nelson.

Two senators objected however, saying they didn't want the sections of the road that runs through their districts named after the singer. Barrientos agreed to pull Nelson's name off of those sections of the road but last week withdrew the bill entirely.

In a letter addressed to Barrientos dated April 13, Wilson's [sic] attorney Joel Katz said Nelson was honored that Barrientos took the initiative to designate a portion of the road as the "Willie Nelson Turnpike."

"However, Willie simply does not feel that the naming of a toll road in his honor comports with his world view on either a personal or an artistic level," Katz wrote, adding he must decline the request that Willie grant permission to name the toll road in his honor.

The AP story ran in the Times as well. It doesn't ask the obvious question: which Texas state senators objected to the name, and why?

Perhaps the AP reporter just thinks its too obvious to mention in the story. Can't have pot smokin' hippie traitors gettin' a stretch of Texas macadam named after 'em, I suppose.

But the Vega demands that the truth of this story be fully disclosed!


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