Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Must be a lotta prefrontal damage going on

Researchers in Israel may have determined why Irony is dead to a little more than half the U.S. electorate.

No, it's true -- many of you don't go a day without dishing out several doses of sarcasm. But some brain-damaged people can't comprehend sarcasm, and Israeli researchers think it's because a specific brain region has gone dark.

The region, according to the researchers, handles the task of detecting hidden meaning, a crucial component of sarcasm. If that part of the brain is out of commission, the irony doesn't come through, the scientists report in the May issue of Neuropsychology.

"People with prefrontal brain damage suffer from difficulties in understanding other people's mental states, and they lack empathy," said study co-author Simone Shamay-Tsoory, a researcher at the University of Haifa. "Therefore, they can't understand what the speaker really is talking about, and get only the literal meaning."

This explains so much.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Combined with the flood of misinformation by the Limbaughs and Hannitys, etc, it makes as much sense as anything.

11:15 PM  

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