Thursday, May 12, 2005

Child endangerment

I leave it to World o' Crap, Attaturk, and a few others to sort through the crazy ravings of the various "sexiest virgin Republican on the net" or whatever tag the cherubic sophomores use to call themselves.

But I couldn't help but read Ezra Klein's take on Ben, Ben, and Kyle. He explains how these three have been able to get regular airtime on our great cable news bastions, how similar these campus conservatives are, and how unlike they are to their age. This passage particularly stuck out.

A proud product of home schooling, Ferguson is a charmingly parochial 20-something who attributes his success to time spent in Mom’s minivan. “[W]hile other kids were stuck in boring classrooms, staring at the walls or ripping apart their paper, piece by piece,” Ferguson was firmly planted in the passenger’s seat, listening to Limbaugh in the family Windstar. Ferguson is, further, deeply religious, disgusted by popular culture, in favor of family, in favor of school prayer, and would generally do a great job at dinner with your grandparents (unless they’re America-hating commies).

The funny thing is, Ferguson’s background isn’t unique. In the rarified world of young conservative punditry, it’s no less than archetypal. Joining him in prodigy-hood is Kyle Williams, a home-schooled, deeply religious 14-year-old columnist/author with a stunning mastery of conservative talking points and an unending storehouse of cultural disgust, and Ben Shapiro, a home-schooled orthodox Jew who found UCLA so packed with hardship and adversity that he wrote a column on it for the school paper, a syndicated column on it for conservative papers, and the just-published Brainwashed, a book on all the lefty academicians trying to trick students into tattooing Mao onto their buttocks.

Home schooled and forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh? Isn't that some kind of child abuse?


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