Thursday, December 02, 2004

The most dangerous game

Fafnir and Giblets take a break from their serious discussion regarding the commerce clause to consider the sad fate of that lefty lackey of the corporate elite, Brian Willaims.

Yes, the disgusting Brian Williams, whose effete liberal elitism sets him against everything this great country stands for, and whose servitude to right-wing corporate paymasters ensures that he will continue to suck up to their corporatist lackeys in the Republican Party! His entire future run as anchor of the Nightly News is sure to be rife with personal affronts to the entire population of the People's Republic of Netlandia!

Yes, oh great blogospherians, there is no need to wait for these ancient dinosaurs of the So Called Liberal Media to screw up. We will chase them through the canyons of New York City and hunt them down like the running dogs they are. We will check the typeface of every document they brandish. We will parse the very commas in their delivery each night, ever alert to their obvious right wing hatred for George W. Bush and all that he stands for. It is we, the fighting keyboardists of the net who hold the media in our hands, ready -- and able -- to tear the very life from these hacks.

Whew. Something popped just above my eyebrow, I think.

UPDATE: Via the ever-helpful World o'Crap, Brent Bozell is trying to horn his way into our snark hunt.

Just like CBS, the succession at NBC is no reason to suspect the liberal bias problem is going away. After all the helpful public-relations spin that Brian Williams knew Dale Earnhardt and loves NASCAR races, his on-air record over the years suggests a blue-state mindset will remain. After all, how NASCAR-sensitive is it for Williams to suggest it should be seen as "downright unpatriotic" to drive an SUV, as he said in a 2002 newscast?

The bastard! With one hand, he strokes our stock car, with the other, he tries to take away my Escalade! "Blue-state mindset" indeed.

UPDATE II: CJR has still more examples of the triumph of exalted blogostan over those craven nightly network news anchors.


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