Friday, November 05, 2004

Fight on, pajama-clad yeomen, whatever that is

I suspected as much, and Peggy Noonan confirms it. It wasn't just gay hatin' that put young George over the top, it was the 101st Fighting Keyboardists leading the way. They may live in mom's basement and eat cocoa puffs until late into the night, but they're making a difference.

God bless the pajama-clad yeomen of America. Some day, when America is hit again, and lines go down, and media are hard to get, these bloggers and site runners and independent Internetters of all sorts will find a way to file, and get their word out, and it will be part of the saving of our country.

Those independent Internetters will find a way to venerate Bush even after he fails to avoid that nuclear attack. Good for them!


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