Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Compassionate Conservatism

What began as a hopeful evening turned into a night of disappointment and bitterness. I applaud Kerry/Edwards for refusing to concede until the votes that the Republicans in Ohio tried to disenfranchise are counted, but it looks like a longshot.

But, hey, hats off to the voters in Kentucky and Oklahoma. In Kentucky, they showed that megalomania and advanced dementia are no handicap to being senator. And in Oklahoma, voters there proved that a racist and a lunatic, for whom hypocracy is not just a political philosophy but a way of life, is just the kind of guy they want representing them in the U.S. senate.

I salute you! Now we all get to reap what you have sown.

UPDATE (4:20PM): Damn. I forgot the honorable Jim DeMint. My apologies for neglecting you, great people of South Carolina. You live up to your state motto: Dum spiro spero.


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