Tuesday, October 19, 2004

AP can't bring themselves to mention Halliburton

The AP's Matt Kelley breathlessly reports on all of the various Bush and Kerry backers, whose companies have been found to be trading with Iraq and Iran, in violation of U.S. sanctions.

One "backer" of Bush doesn't come up though. Kinda weird omission.

Halliburton first started doing business in Iran as early as 1995, while Vice President Cheney was chief executive of the company and in possible violation of U.S. sanctions.

According to a February 2001 report in the Wall Street Journal, “U.S. laws have banned most American commerce with Iran. Halliburton Products & Services Ltd. works behind an unmarked door on the ninth floor of a new north Tehran tower block. A brochure declares that the company was registered in 1975 in the Cayman Islands, is based in the Persian Gulf sheikdom of Dubai and is “non-American.” But, like the sign over the receptionist’s head, the brochure bears the Dallas company’s name and red emblem, and offers services from Halliburton units around the world.”

An executive order signed by former President Bill Clinton in March 1995 prohibits “new investments (in Iran) by U.S. persons, including commitment of funds or other assets.” It also bars U.S. companies from performing services “that would benefit the Iranian oil industry.” Violation of the order can result in fines of as much as $500,000 for companies and up to 10 years in jail for individuals.”

Oh, yeah, and Halliburton, under the forceful yet ethical leadership of Dick Cheney, was violating UN sanctions in Iraq, as well, wasn't it?

But no mention of any of that in the AP story. Why, oh why, can't we have a better press corp? I know they didn't teach Kelley googling skills at steno school, but this is ridiculous.


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