Tuesday, June 29, 2004

A Bremer-shaped hole in the door

According to the Daily Show's Jon Stewart last night, that's what the proconsul left at Saddam's palace, otherwise known as CPA headquarters, such was the speed with which he departed his beloved colony yesterday.

Of course, being Paul Bremer, he couldn't resist a few last-minute Iraqi laws [can't find a link to the relevant USA Today article].

BAGHDAD -- Before it was dissolved on Monday, the U.S.-led coalition put in place major legal revisions that would force Iraqis to get drivers' licenses, obey traffic laws, ban certain people from holding office and place American contractors above the law.

The last little edict means that security personnel working for U.S. contractors are not liable to Iraqi laws should they, say, kill an innocent Iraqi. Like so many of Bremer's decisions, this last-minute epiphany, which probably received a nanosecond of deliberation, could have enormous negative effects on Iraqis views of their American occupiers...er...I'm sorry, guests, sometime down the road.


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