Tuesday, March 16, 2004


Apologies to regular readers for the meager pickings here over the last couple of days, but we've been in mourning since early Monday morning. I don't speak of the personal here much because, well, why should you care? But I will mention, for posterity, the passing of Leto, the shepherd mix who has been the steadfast companion of the Vega Cura and Madam Cura for the past 13 years. Leto chose us all those years ago, limping over to us in a crowded park and making clear that she wanted us to take her home. Since that day, we saved her life when she suffered gastrointestinal bleeding and she saved ours by waking us up one night when we'd left the gas on. And in ailing health over the past year and half, she taught us patience, humility, and the fragile line between healthfulness and vitality and vulnerability and dependence. She'll be missed, joining the pantheon with our other great dog, the late, lamented terrier, "Jack Dempsey."


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