Saturday, January 10, 2004

The mortar attack on a military base in Iraq that wounded 34 and killed one strikes me as far more significant than it's been covered. Unlike a roadside bomb, you have to deliver, set up, load, aim, and fire a mortar. In person. And they did this outside of a military base in pretty much the middle of the day (sunset). Shows considerable confidence on the part of the insurgents.

Is it "Lost in Space," or just "The Vision Thing?"

Well, we'd better get busy building colonies on the moon, since the Miserable Failure is intent on destroying the Earth.

1,000 new jobs falls a little short of the prediction.

Meanwhile, back at the resort. From yesterday's Wall Street Journal...

"RESORT HOPPING: Power company chiefs meet at Arizona's Scottsdale Princess with lawmakers and Bush officials, including EPA head Leavitt. At nearby Biltmore, reps from timber, mining and oil industries do the same, at a business group's invitation to help Congress write its To-Do list. Senate Energy Chairman Domenici makes both. Also featured at Biltomore: Interior's Deputy Secretary Griles, under investigation for meeting with former clients."

Two interesting articles on Howard Dean have got me thinking more favorably towards his candidacy. A pretty good case for Dean on The New Republic, and an in-depth profile of the man in The New Yorker. The New Yorker article portrays a far more complex and sympathetic man than he often appears in the media.


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